Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First hospital visit

When Ryan and I went into the hospital to get my first steroid shot, they made me gown up and everything. This is when they hooked me up to the monitors and noticed that I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes and I had no idea. After this is when things went totally crazy and I ended up being admitted to the hospital the next morning. I can't believe it has already been 2 weeks since this craziness ensued. Check out how swollen my legs were! Since being on bedrest, I can now see my ankles once again and I no longer have sausage toes. I actually have lost all of my water weight (totalling about 3 pounds). I even think my belly shrunk a little too. It's weird what bedrest does to you.
This is the most amazing husband in the world! He is always there to support me and make me laugh. He kept telling me I had a double chin while he was trying to take my picture. What would I do without him?

1 comment:

Nibarger said...

Jacob says it looks like you are modeling a hospital bed or something in that first picture!