Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Quick Update on Baby #3

I think most of you know what a trial my last pregnancy was. It was also a blessing. After having gone through something so traumatic, I have to admit that when I saw a positive pregnancy test this time around, I was scared to death. I was literally shaking as I looked at it. Why so scared? Well, because once you experience what we did, you're just never the same.Our naivety was robbed from us and we're (I'm) now paranoid. I was so afraid of this baby not being healthy. My very first doctor's visit, which should have been nice and easy, was filled with major anxiety. I'm so glad I have a doctor who I think could sense this and was on top of it. She has done multiple blood tests and today I went to see perinatology. Again, as you can imagine, I was a nervous wreck. Last time I was with a perinatologist, I got the worst news of my life. Thankfully this time around was a bit different. We did a quick ultrasound for the nuchal translucency test. This was to find out if our baby, Tiny Todd, had Down syndrome. They also did some other measurements for trisomy 18. I am thrilled to report and our little Tiny Todd was kicking up a storm and sucking on his/her fist. It was adorable! I'm also double thrilled to report that Tiny Todd is a healthy baby! No Down syndrome and NO, I repeat, NOOOOOO trisomy 18! It was great news.


Brad and Michelle Peterson said...

We are so happy for you and your family! BTW love your little baby bump. It is so cute.

Cyndi said...

That's such great news!! I'm so happy for you, Ashley! I hope that you find some comfort throughout your pregnancy. I've heard it's rough after losing all the innocence of knowing a pregnancy doesn't always have happy endings. I am hoping and praying that this sweet thumbsucker does!!

Stephanie said...

Yeah! We have been thinking about you guys!

Craig and Monica said...

So glad things are going well!

Anonymous said...

YEA!!! Such great news! So happy for you. :)