Wednesday, April 27, 2011


What have we been up to lately? Scarlet got this super cute, super pink outfit from her grandma. We think it's hilarious to dress her up for public appearances. It's just too cute!We totally fit Scarlet into a giant Easter egg. We got a kick out of it. I couldn't believe my almost 9-month-old child fit into an Easter egg. Gotta love her!

The memorial place finally poured the cement for Kingston's headstone. We got to put our tiny dancer's feet in the cement. I always want a piece of her with him, and him with her. I'm so grateful that we were able to do this. I hope Scarlet teasures this forever.

"How very softly you tiptoed into our world. Almost silently; only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts."


Stephanie said...

That is so sweet! The Gi-normous eggs were a hit.

Craig and Monica said...

I love that you had Scarlet put her footprints on the headstone. What a sweet memory!

Brande J. said...

Love her in that outfit, she is a doll! I loved the footprints in the precious.