So I know most of you are probably really curious as to what a day is like in our household now that I am on strict bedrest. Well, here it is. I wake up whenever I wake up, waddle to the bathroom, usually refill my water mug and then park it on the couch. I sit on the couch and watch all local news shows possible. Ask me anything going on locally and I could probably tell you all about it. It's really sad. I usually eat something while watching the news too. Sugar free pudding has been my BFF lately, but I'm out of it now, so no more pudding for me. I did make my mom buy me some pre-cooked bacon and I eat that a lot too. Probably not the best thing for my blood pressure, but I love bacon. If I can't have sugar, I have to have bacon. Then I usually sit here on the couch and watch my belly wiggle. Doesn't this sound exciting? Usually by now I'm ready for a nap, so I nap if I don't have to make my way to the doctor's office (which is at least twice a week at this point). By this point I'm ready to wake up Ryan so he can keep me company. This is a decision I usually regret within an hour or two once I realize how ornery and tired he is. That's when I proceed to tell him he needs his nap and make him go back to bed. By this point it's about 3 in the afternoon. There's nothing good on TV. I usually switch locations between the bed and the couch, but usually end up on the couch since our bedroom feels like a sauna. I realize by now that I'm starving and so I'll raid the fridge for the leftovers from the night before. Then I fall asleep. Usually I'll wake up to watch the news around 5 and then again at 6. I'm telling you, this is really exciting and fun. Every 4 hours during all of this excitement I have to take the medication that keeps my contractions away. It's a little evil capsule that gives me major headaches. I'm talking headaches that make me want to cry, bury my face, hide, etc. They HURT. Tylenol can only do so much to help. Thankfully they usually only last about an hour. I typically waddle to my bedroom around 10, brush my teeth and park it in the bed where I watch the news and anything else that is interesting. I usually fall asleep around 11:30 or so, but it doesn't last for too long. I'm awake within a few hours because I have a child bouncing on my bladder and if I don't get up, well, you know what would happen. I wake up, literally roll out of bed, waddle to the bathroom, waddle back to bed, get a drink, lay down, toss, turn, eventually fall back asleep only to wake up an hour later to take more meds. And then it starts all over again. There you have a typical day in my life. Oh, and of course the entire day I crave coconut snow cones and dirt. I'll even see dirt on TV and my mouth starts watering. It's really weird. This is thanks to my iron deficiency. Well, time for me to get ready for the doctor's office.